Tuesday, August 15, 2017


When the fog rise up from the ocean 

Surrender can be soft like the fog that rises up from the sea
It can be quiet and slow
the contour of objects first obscure and blurred
Then they disappear as if never were there

No viable struggle can be seen,
The tree just feet away from me was there
Now it is sliding back and back some more
Now it is gone

Like a blurry sight fogged by the years
First the details smudge
Then the whole scene
Wrapped in white blanket of air

Once it was the lone black strip of road
Slicing the desert infinite emptiness
I remember the night fog rolling over
I still feel the fear of being taking over
But now I almost welcome the soft lines of things
The hush that comes along
I want it to roll over me
Cover me with its softness
I will close my eyes
I will surrender. 

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