Thursday, August 24, 2017

The markings on the road
Yellow lines mark the center of a two-way road used for two-way traffic. You may pass on a two-way road if the yellow center line is broken. When a solid and a broken yellow line are together, you must not pass if you are driving next to the solid line. Two solid yellow lines mean no passing. Never drive to the left of these lines.

I drive down the road, not a very good driver, never was. My mind tends to wander, my eyes to look inside rather than outside. A minute before I slide off the road I focus on the road’s markings, latch on to the yellow center lines let them lead me through.
I repeat the guidelines like a well-rehearsed mantra;
Broken yellow line,
It is ok to cross now
Solid and unbroken
Stop! Don't move to the other side
Don’t try to drive around the person in front
Go, go! Now it’s the right time.

The instructions so clear, no need to overthink; yes, no! not now, later after the curve. I drive and hum, drive and recite.
Broken yellow line,
It is ok to cross now…
I often yearn for the way of life to be that clear; I will watch and follow the lines, I will make it with ease from here to there, with a smooth undisturbed movement.
Go, go! Now it’s the right time.
Quick, make your move
There is no time to spare.
No hesitations, no back and force, no maybe but not now.
On the road, the yellow markings are talking,
I obey, I act.

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